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Hemimysis anomala
Mysis diluviana
Distinguishing Features: They look like clear shrimp or crawfish.
Size: 6-20mm long
Swimming Behavior: Agile swimmers; They hide in the sediment during the day and emerge to feed at night.
Diet and Feeding : Consuming primarily zooplankton (cladocerans), but also phytoplankton, and other floating material (pollen, detritus, bacteria, larvae) using legs to grasp food.
Reproduction: Sexual
Interesting Facts: Both Hemimysis anomala and Mysis diluviana are nocturnal. Hemimysis anomala live near shore in shallow water where as Mysis diluviana live off shore in deeper water. Hemimysis anomala are commonly referred to as Bloody Red Shrimp and Mysis diluviana are commonly referred to as Opossum Shrimp.
Taxonomic Groups Observed in Seneca Lake:
Hemimysis anomala
Mysis diluviana
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